Festive Celebration of the ReStore Expansion

West Tuality Habitat for Humanity held a celebration of its ReStore expansion, drawing community members and representatives from a variety of agencies, as well as the nonprofit’s employees and volunteers, for a red ribbon cutting to officially open a structure that was moved from what will become the Habitat affiliate’s latest house-building project, Countryman Estates, and is now a part of the ReStore sales area.  

The extension building now at the ReStore has been repurposed to help the ReStore better organize and protect some of the items it offers for sale, creating an improved shopping experience for customers. By adding additional covered sales space and extending the sales area, the Forest Grove ReStore has added more than  6,000 square feet of additional sales space outside the main building. 

The building was deconstructed, then reconstructed, with the help of participants in Portland Youth Builders (PYB), a nonprofit that has helped thousands of young people change their lives through a combination of education, vocational training, counseling, career development, and long term support, as well as with the help of our core group of home-building volunteers. Finishing touches on the building and grounds were recently provided by volunteer groups from Portland Metro Association of Realtors Young Professional Network (PMAR YPN), Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors (PMAR), John L. Scott Young Professionals Network and Nexthome Realty Connection Orenco Station. The funding for all of this work came from Oregon Metro.

Photos from the celebration are at the bottom of this page.

The structure that is now a part of the ReStore originally stood on 23rd Avenue, on property that will become West Tuality Habitat’s new Countryman Estates and the site of eight new affordable homes. It was deconstructed by PYB and Habitat’s core house-building volunteers in early 2022 and moved to its current location. 

The Forest Grove ReStore began in a small warehouse space in 2008 that had been donated by Henningsen Cold Storage. The ReStore moved to its current, much bigger location on Pacific Highway in October 2010. In 2019, a number of improvements were made to the Restore building, a former car dealership, including the addition of a covered donation area, a heating and cooling system, and an improved, upscale showroom space. The administrative offices of West Tuality Habitat are above the ReStore.

West Tuality Habitat for Humanity is a local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International and was formed in 1991. In addition to the affordable housing program, West Tuality Habitat also has a critical home repair program for low-income seniors, military veterans, and people with disabilities, allowing them to remain in their homes and age in place. West Tuality Habitat for Humanity serves Western Washington County, Oregon, including Forest Grove, Cornelius, Banks, Gaston, Gales Creek, Buxton, Timber, North Plains and the surrounding areas.

For more information about the ReStore, West Tuality Habitat, donating financially, volunteering or applying to be a program participant, visit the West Tuality Habitat for Humanity web site at www.westtualityhabitat.org or call (503) 359-8459. There is also information available at the Forest Grove ReStore.

You can see photos from the deconstruction and reconstruction of the building on the West Tuality Habitat for Humanity blog about the event.


This account is managed by multiple people at West Tuality Habitat for Humanity.


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Forest Grove ReStore Expands With Repurposed Building from Countryman Estates; Special Sales Announced