The ReStore can help outfit your DIY Overlanding Dream Vehicle.
Marketing Marketing

The ReStore can help outfit your DIY Overlanding Dream Vehicle.

The Forest Grove ReStore often has many of the items you might need for your own tear drop or square drop camping build, or your own camping van conversion. With the popularity of overlanding continuing to surge and so many people creating their own camping dream vehicles, the ReStore can help you connect with the materials you need, help save you some money and help you be kinder to the environment.

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Project ideas for the wood you buy at the ReStore
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Project ideas for the wood you buy at the ReStore

The Forest Grove ReStore usually has an inventory of new and used wood, both outdoor grade plywood and pressure treated wood. These aren’t just great for home renovations and repairs: they are also terrific for DIY projects, both functional and decorative. Our latest blog offers a LOT of ideas and resources.

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Build the coop of your chickens’ dreams with help from the ReStore!
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Build the coop of your chickens’ dreams with help from the ReStore!

Western Washington County, Oregon residents love their chickens! Building your own chicken coop from recycled items from the Forest Grove ReStore can save money, give you creative control and help be kinder to the planet because you are fully participating in recycling/reusing, you are keeping things from being shipped AND you keeping things from the dumpster, at least for a few more years.

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Self-taught, occasional DIYer shares her creations made with ReStore purchases.
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Self-taught, occasional DIYer shares her creations made with ReStore purchases.

Michelle Sprueill considers herself “an occasional DIY'er.” After reading one of our blogs where we profiled a customer and her recreations with furniture she bought at the ReStore, Michelle emailed us to share her story. “I'm self-trained, sort of, picked up a lot of tips watching others and Ask This Old House. It's my Satuday morning routine!” said Michelle. “I learn a lot from my mistakes too!” Read more about Michelle’s motivations and creations on our latest blog.

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Re-imaging furniture as therapy & to support Habitat for Humanity
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Re-imaging furniture as therapy & to support Habitat for Humanity

We love profiling customers who reimagine things they buy at the Forest Grove ReStore, and we’re so excited to present our latest story about the beautiful creations of Judy Weidner. She spoke briefly with our marketing manager at the West Tuality Habitat Women Build event where she shared a bit of her story in between learning to use impact drivers. We followed up and, via emails, she shared her story

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New “Selfie Wall” celebrates ReStore’s connection to Habitat for Humanity
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New “Selfie Wall” celebrates ReStore’s connection to Habitat for Humanity

The Forest Grove ReStore now has a new "selfie wall" on the side of the ReStore is a visual reminder of the connection between the ReStore and what it funds: West Tuality Habitat for Humanity and its work to build homes, communities and hope. Pick one of the images, stand "in" it, take a selfie and send it to us at or tag West Tuality Habitat when you share it on social media!

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Beautiful metal planters - made from filing cabinets!
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Beautiful metal planters - made from filing cabinets!

Metal filing cabinets are great for filing documents - but did you know they also can also be converted to make beautiful outdoor planters for decorative plants? Our August blog has photos to give you ideas and advice on how to make your vision a reality!

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Thrift store finds
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Thrift store finds

What is a “thrift store haul”? It’s something someone finds in a place like a Habitat for Humanity thrift store that gives them joy! This blog reviews the kinds of “Thrift Store Hauls” you might find at the Forest Grove, Oregon ReStore.

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The Joy of “Old” Electronics
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The Joy of “Old” Electronics

By holding on to electronics as long as possible, you help reduce our world's e-waste problem, as well as saving yourself hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. And when you are ready to upgrade, make sure you dispose of your items appropriately. The Forest Grove ReStore can help you get the most out of “old” technology.

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A DIY art project idea: colorful, decorative… toilets!
Marketing Marketing

A DIY art project idea: colorful, decorative… toilets!

Buying a toilet from the ReStore is a great way to keep them out of landfills and to live a commitment to recycling and reusing. But what about rethinking toilets as works of art? Porcelain is a wonderful medium for paint and stickers, and a toilet from the ReStore can become a show piece in your bathroom with some inspiration, imagination and excellent art supplies in the form of paint and brushes or stickers.

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Where to Find DIY Inspiration
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Where to Find DIY Inspiration

Some people can simply look at well-worn item or group of items - a chair, a table, shelves, a pile of wood, a wheelbarrow, a bag of wooden knobs, lampshades - and instantly reimagine it as something practical or decorative. Others needs some help: they need examples, suggestions, inspiration and guidance from others in order to repurpose something.

Want ideas for re-imaging and repurposing furniture, garden supplies, dishes and other items you can find at the Forest Grove ReStore? Our blog can help:

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